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16 October 2015
Mobile Marketing Trends for 2016 [Infographic]
According to a 2014 report by eMarketer, 25% of the population used a smart phone. In 2015, the numbers have grown further. Especially in the ecommerce concept, more numbers of users are accessing products from their smart phones as compared to users on desktops and laptops. Smartphones have really defined the term “mobile” in its truest sense. The devices have made it much more convenient and easy to look for products on the internet. In response to the growing significance of mobile in ecommerce, here are the top 7 marketing trends to watch out:
1. Rise of video ads
There have been a lot of changes in the way mobile platforms have been used for advertisements. Video ads are becoming more popular with devises getting bigger and better. New smart phone models are offering high quality screen resolutions and this can be a great opportunity for video ads.
2. Mobile app install ads
Several brands are investing on display advertisement on popular mobile apps. The trend is just not confined to promoting the brand but gives the opportunity to target specific user bases.
3. ROI Tracking
Data and information continues to play a defining role in 2016. Though the app ecosystem is not yet well connected, it does provide the opportunity to collect more user data and track their responses to specific marketing tools.
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4. Interactive mobile advertisements
Interactive advertisements have the potential to take user engagement and acquisition to a much higher level. Ads that create a platform of interaction with customers feel more refreshing than traditional advertisement that merely put the selling points in place.
5. In app promotions
In-app promotions have become a more mature way of selling campaigns. With user acquisition getting harder every day, brands are finding it difficult to reach the intended audience. In app promotion is among the few ways in which ads are served to the appropriate audience with the help of programs.
6. Rise of native ads
Another important trend in the mobile marketing world is the rise of native advertising. Ads here take the form of videos, Infographics and blogs and are aimed to inform the audience rather than push a product.
7. Use of behavioral data
Mobile marketers have become more data dependent today. They are investing more resources in understanding the behavioral patterns of the audience than ever before.

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